Monday, March 14, 2011

week 4

i know i'm super late with this post, since its already the beginning of week 5, but there's been a lot going on, although its been kinda low key all at the same time. hmmm... in short:

- monday night's newbie practice didn't happen due to a league meeting :( i was bummed since we were scheduled to start practicing hitting this night
- tuesday was a scrimmage in preparation for the upcoming bouts this past weekend, so i didn't attend because i'm not cleared for contact yet
- thursday wasn't very well attended due to the fact that everyone was resting up in preparation for saturday

sherry and i were two of the yellows that did attend thursday, however, and one of the highlights was that chewblocka gave us permission to start hitting each other a little bit! there wasn't too much we could do and we were both very careful so as not to improperly block and learn bad habits, or risk getting injured. but it was nice getting that little taste of hitting. we also did whips which i hadn't done before; previously i had only done hip whips. this is the "famous" one where you stick out your arm and the other person grabs onto it and you throw them forward like a discus, giving them a huge burst of speed. and, of course, where the movie "whip it" gets its name. that was fun too :)

then saturday came and it was time for the bouts!! i was working will call. i was a little stressed out about it beforehand but i just kept a smile on my face and before i knew it everyone was all checked in and watching the first bout and my job was pretty much over. i wish i could've had the chance to see a bit more of the bouts, but i'll just watch the online footage which bob so wonderfully records for us. every time i watch derby i learn something new, so the more i watch, the more beneficial it will ultimately be for me!

sunday was the first time i attended a travel team practice. probably wasn't the best timing on my part since they are preparing for a bout this upcoming weekend in colorado (and therefore wasn't able to participate in their multitude of contact and strategy drills), but i got a chance to warm up with them and get some good practice in on my turnaround toe stops, jumps, and weaving.

wait until you guys read about what i did THIS week...coming soon! ;)

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